Казаков Сергей Михайлович

К.х.н., старший научный сотрудник

Адрес: 119992 Москва, Ленинские горы д.1 стр.3, комн. 348
Телефон: +7 (495) 939-3375
Факс: +7 (495) 939-4788
E-mail: kazakov {et} icr.chem.msu.ru


  • 1994 - Диплом "Синтез и исследование ртутьсодержащих сложных оксидов меди"
  • 1998 - Кандидатская диссертация “Поиск новых безмедных сверхпроводников на основе сложных оксидов висмута”
  • 1998 - Docteur de la physique de la Université Fourier de Grenoble (France). Thèse “À la recherche des nouveaux supraconducteurs à haute température critique dans le system Sr-K-Bi-O » avec la mention Très Honorable avec Félicitations de Jury.

Трудовая деятельность

  • 2005-н/в - С.н.с лаборатории ЛФИППА Химического факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова
  • 10.2005-05.2005 - Постдок лаборатории физики твердого тела ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
  • 07.1998–09.2000 - Приглашенный ученый лаборатории физики твердого тела ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
  • 03.1998–07.1998 - Научный сотрудник лаборатории неорганической кристаллохимии Химического факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова
  • 11.1994–03.1998 - Совместный аспирант лаборатории неорганической кристаллохимии Химического факультета МГУ и Laboratoire de Cristallographie, CNRS, Grenoble (France).


  • 1993 – Премия имени академика Спицына
  • 1994 – Cоросовский аспирант

Области научных интересов

  • Химия твердого тела
  • Сверхпроводимость
  • Перовскиты
  • Порошковая рентгеновская дифракция

Педагогическая деятельность

Руководство курсовыми работами
  • Чугунова А.А. “Синтез и исследование теллурида железа, допированного никелем”, 2010.
  • Катцына В.В. “Синтез и исследование теллурида железа, допированного кобальтом”, 2010.
  • Беликов В.В. “Изучение кинетики взаимодействия в системе Ni1,5FeTi0,5O4 – криолит-глинозёмный расплав методом рентгенофлюоресцентного анализа”, 2008.
  • Отрощенко Т.П. «Синтез и исследование соединений состава CaSn1-xSbxO3 (0≤x≤0,2) и Ni1,5-xCuxFeTi0,5O4 (0≤x≤0,2) в качестве перспективных материалов инертного анода в производстве алюминия», 2008.
Руководство дипломными работами
  • Беликов В.В. Синтез и структурные исследования замещённых халькогенидов железа, 2011

Инновационные проекты

Гранты РФФИ
  • 2010-2012, «Синтез, строение и физические свойства новых сверхпроводящих пниктидов и халькогенидов переходных металлов»
  • 2011 – 2013, «Создание новых катодных материалов для твердооксидного топливного элемента на основе перовскитоподобных оксидов, содержащих в своем составе кобальт»
  • 2009- 2011, «Новые неорганические сверхпроводники: направленный синтез, кристаллическая и электронная структура и свойства пниктидов и халькогенидов переходных металлов»


  • «РЕАКТОР ДЛЯ ТВЕРДОФАЗНОГО СИНТЕЗА СВЕРХПРОВОДНИКОВ, СОДЕРЖАЩИХ ЩЕЛОЧНЫЕ МЕТАЛЛЫ», #RU113876U1, 27 февраля 2012. Болталин А.И., Морозов И.В., Казаков С.М., Шевельков А.В., Овчинников А.В., Рослова М.В., Сон В. Б.


Автор 151 научной статьи в реферируемых журналах. Индекс цитирования около 3000, индекс хирша h-index = 29.

Совпадений найдено: 0
настройки поиска
Charkin, D., Urmanov, A., Kazakov, S., Batuk, D., Abakumov, A., Knöner, S., Gati, E., Wolf, B., Lang, M., Shevelkov, A., Van Tendeloo, G. and Antipov, E. Synthesis, crystal structure, transport and magnetic properties of novel ternary copper phosphides, A2Cu6P5 (A = Sr, Eu) and EuCu4P3 2012 Inorganic Chemistry
Vol. 51(16), pp. 8948-8955 
article DOI URL 
Napolsky, P.S., Drozhzhin, O., Istomin, Ya, S., Kazakov, S., Antipov, E., Galeeva, A., Gippius, A., Svensson, G., Abakumov, A. and Van G, T. Structure and high-temperature properties of the (Sr,Ca,Y)(Co,Mn)O3−y perovskites – perspective cathode materials for IT-SOFC 2012 Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Vol. 192, pp. 186-194 
article DOI URL 
Istomin, S., Kurlov, A., Kazakov, S. and Antipov, E. Crystal structure and thermal expansion of LaCr1-xMgxO3 2012 Materials Research Bulletin
Vol. 47(5), pp. 1176-1180 
article DOI URL 
Charkin, D., Lebedev, D. and Kazakov, S. Multiple cation and anion substitutions into the structures of Bi2WO6 and PbBi3WO8Cl 2012 Journal of Alloys and Compounds  article DOI URL 
Charkin, D., Lebedev, D. and Kazakov, S. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Layered Oxyhalides BaPbBi3Nb2O11X (X= Cl, Br, I) 2012 Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Vol. 57(7), pp. 917-922 
article DOI URL 
Charkin, D.O., Urmanov, A.V. and Kazakov, S.M. Preparation and crystal structures of novel LaOAgS-type copper and silver fluoride chalcogenides 2012 Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Vol. 516, pp. 134-138 
article DOI URL 
Kaluzhskikh, M., Kazakov, S., Mazo, G., Istomin, S., Antipov, E., Gippius, A., Fedotov, Y., Bredikhin, S., Liu, Y., Svensson, G. and Shen, Z. High-temperature crystal structure and transport properties of the layered cuprates Ln(2)CuO(4), Ln=Pr, Nd and Sm 2011 Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Vol. 184(3), pp. 698-704 
article DOI URL 
Pudalov, V., Omel'yanovskii, O., Khlybov, E., Sadakov, A., El'tsev, Y.F., Mitsen, K., Ivanenko, O., Pervakov, K., Gizatulin, D., Usol'tsev, A., Dormidontov, A., Gavrilkin, S., Tsvetkov, A., Ponomarev, Y.G., Kuzmichev, S., Mikheev, M., Tchesnokov, S., Shanygina, T. and Kazakov, S. V L Ginzburg and the development of experimental work on high-tempature superconductivity at LPI: 'iron superconductors' 2011 Physics Uspekhi
Vol. 54(6), pp. 648 
article DOI URL 
Пудалов, В., Омельяновский, О., Хлыбов, Е., Садаков, А., Ельцев, Ю., Мицен, К., Иваненко, О., Перваков, К., Гизатулин, Д., Усольцев, А., Дормидонтов, А., Гаврилкин, С., Цветков, А., Пономарев, Я., Кузьмичев, С., Михеев, М., Чесноков, С., Шаныгина, Т. and Казаков, С. В.Л. Гинзбург и развитие в ФИАНе экспериментальных работ по высокотемпературной сверхпроводимости: "железные сверхпроводники" 2011 Успехи физических наук
Vol. 181, pp. 672-677 
article DOI URL 
Kazakov, S.M., Abakumov, A.M., Gonzalez, S., Perez-Mato, J.M., Ovchinnikov, A.V., Roslova, M.V., Boltalin, A.I., Morozov, I.V., Antipov, E.V. and Van Tendeloo, G. Uniform Patterns of Fe-Vacancy Ordering in the K-x(Fe,Co)(2-y)Se-2 Superconductors 2011 Chemistry of Materials
Vol. 23(19), pp. 4311-4316 
article DOI URL 
Kazakov, S.M., Abakumov, A.M., Santiago, G., Juan, M.P.-M., Ovchinnikov, A.V., Roslova, M.V., Boltalin, A.I., Morozov, I.V., Antipov, E.V. and Gustaaf, V.T. Uniform Patterns of Fe-Vacancy Ordering in the Kx(Fe,Co)2-ySe2 Superconductors 2011 Chemistry of Materials
Vol. 23, pp. 4311-4316 
article DOI URL 
Charkin, D., Plotnikov, V., Sadakov, A., Omel'yanovskii, O. and Kazakov, S. Synthesis of novel rare earth-Iron oxide chalcogenides with the La2Fe2O3Se2 structure 2011 Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Vol. 509(27), pp. 7344-7348 
article DOI URL 
Kondo, T., Khasanov, R., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Zhigadlo, N., Bukowski, Z., Shi, M., Bendounan, A., Sassa, Y., Chang, J., Pailhes, S., Mesot, J., Schmalian, J., Keller, H. and Kaminski, A. Anomalies in the Fermi Surface and Band Dispersion of Quasi-One-Dimensional CuO Chains in the High-Temperature Superconductor YBa2Cu4O8 2010 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 105(26), pp. 267003 
article DOI URL 
Charkin, D., Kazakov, S. and Lebedev, D. Study of cationic substitution in Bi2WO6 and derived structures in the framework of the modular approach 2010 Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Vol. 55(8), pp. 1248-1256 
article DOI URL 
Charkin, D.O., Lebedev, D.N., Stefanovich, S.Y. and Kazakov, S.M. Uranium substitution for tungsten in the Bi2WO6-Bi2UO6 system Formation of a broad high-temperature solid solution 2010 Solid State Sciences
Vol. 12(12), pp. 2079-2085 
article DOI URL 
Charkin, D., Sadakov, A., Omel'yanovskii, O. and Kazakov, S. Synthesis, crystal structure, and properties of novel perovskite oxychalcogenides, Ca(2)CuFeO(3)Ch (Ch = S, Se) 2010 Materials Research Bulletin
Vol. 45(12), pp. 2012-2016 
article DOI URL 
Schulze, T., Bruehwiler, M., Haefliger, P., Kazakov, S., Niedermayer, C., Mattenberger, K., Karpinski, J. and Batlogg, B. Spin fluctuations, magnetic long-range order, and Fermi surface gapping in Na(x)CoO(2) 2008 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 78(20), pp. 205101 
article DOI URL 
Dubois, C., Santi, G., Cuttat, I., Berthod, C., Jenkins, N., Petrovic, A., Manuel, A., Fischer, O., Kazakov, S., Bukowski, Z. and Karpinski, J. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy in the superconducting state and vortex cores of the beta-pyrochlore KOs(2)O(6) 2008 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 101(5), pp. 057004 
article DOI URL 
Filatov, A., Antipov, E., Borzenko, M., Vasil’ev, S., Denisov, V., Ivanov, V., Kazakov, S., Kuz’minova, Z., Laurinavichyute, V., Lunin, V., Simakov, D. and Shtanov, V. Determining the integral dissolution rate of two-phase alloys in cryolite-alumina melts 2008 Protection of Metals
Vol. 44(6), pp. 627-631 
article DOI URL 
Filatov, A., Antipov, E., Borzenko, M., Vasil’ev, S., Denisov, V., Ivanov, V., Kazakov, S., Kuz’minova, Z., Laurinavichyute, V., Lunin, V., Simakov, D. and Shtanov, V. Determining the integral dissolution rate of two-phase alloys in cryolite-alumina melts 2008 Protection of Metals
Vol. 44(6), pp. 627-631 
article DOI URL 
Filatov, A., Borzenko, M., Kuzminova, Z., Vassiliev, S., Kazakov, S., Antipov, E. and Lunin, V. Electrochemical equilibria in copper/cryolite-alumina melt systems 2008 Mendeleev Communications
Vol. 18(5), pp. 244-245 
article DOI URL 
Filatov, A., Borzenko, M., Kuzminova, Z., Vassiliev, S., Kazakov, S., Antipov, E. and Lunin, V. Electrochemical equilibria in copper/cryolite-alumina melt systems 2008 Mendeleev Communications
Vol. 18(5), pp. 244-245 
article DOI URL 
Akrap, A., Tutis, E., Kazakov, S., Zhigadlo, N., Karpinski, J. and Forro, L. Manifestations of fine features of the density of states in the transport properties of KOs2O6 2007 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 75(17), pp. 172501 
article DOI URL 
Brühwiler, M., Schulze, T., Kazakov, S., Bukowski, Z., Puzniak, R., Zhigadlo, N., Karpinski, J. and Batlogg, B. Superconductivity in the β-pyrochlore osmates 2007 Physica C
Vol. 460(SPEC. ISS.), pp. 62-65 
article DOI URL 
Khasanov, R., Shengelaya, A., Di, C.D., Eshchenko, D., Savic, I., Conder, K., Pomjakushina, E., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S. and Keller, H. Magnetic-field dependence of the oxygen isotope effect on the magnetic penetration depth of hole-doped cuprate superconductors 2007 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 75(6), pp. 060505 
article DOI URL 
Simakov, D., Antipov, E., Borzenko, M., Vassiliev, S., Velikodny, Y.A., Denisov, V., Ivanov, V., Kazakov, S., Kuzminova, Z., Filatov, A., Tsirlina, G. and Shtanov, V. Nickel and Nickel alloys electrochemistry in cryolite-alumina melts 2007 TMS Light Metals, pp. 489-493  article URL 
Wisniewski, A., Puzniak, R., Judek, J., Krutzler, C., Eisterer, M., Weber, H., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Comparison of the influence of carbon substitution and neutron-induced defects on the upper critical field and flux pinning in MgB 2 single crystals 2007 Superconductor Science and Technology
Vol. 20(3), pp. 256-260 
article DOI URL 
Eisterer, M., Krutzler, C., Zehetmayer, M., Weber, H., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Influence of carbon doping on the reversible magnetization of MgB2 single crystals 2007 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 460, pp. 606-607 
article DOI URL 
Zehetmayer, M., Eisterer, M., Krutzler, C., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Weber, H. Order-disorder transition in the flux line lattice of superconducting MgB 2 single crystals with artificially introduced defects: Comparison with theory 2007 Superconductor Science and Technology
Vol. 20(9), pp. 247-256 
article DOI URL 
Kondo, T., Khasanov, R., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Zhigadlo, N., Ohta, T., Fretwell, H., Palczewski, A., Koll, J., Mesot, J., Rotenberg, E., Keller, H. and Kaminski, A. Dual character of the electronic structure of YBa2Cu4O8: The conduction bands of CuO2 planes and CuO chains 2007 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 98(15), pp. 157002 
article DOI URL 
Pedrini, B., Wessel, S., Gavilano, J., Ott, H., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Quenching of the Haldane gap in LiVSi2O6 and related compounds 2007 European Physical Journal B
Vol. 55(3), pp. 219-228 
article DOI URL 
Cubitt, R., Dewhurst, C., Eskildsen, M., Levett, S., Matadeen, A., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Bud'ko, S., Anderson, N. and Canfield, P. Penetration depth anisotropy in MgB2 single crystals and powders 2006 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Vol. 67(1-3), pp. 493-496 
article DOI URL 
Lamura, G., Gauzzi, A., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Andreone, A. High-resolution measurements of the magnetic penetration depth on Yba(2)Cu(4)O(8) single crystals 2006 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Vol. 67(1-3), pp. 447-449 
article DOI URL 
Bruehwiler, M., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Batlogg, B. Large mass enhancement in RbOs2O6 2006 Physica B: Condensed Matter
Vol. 378, pp. 880-881 
article DOI URL 
Brühwiler, M., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Batlogg, B. Mass enhancement, correlations, and strong-coupling superconductivity in the β -pyrochlore K Os2 O6 2006 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 73(9), pp. 094518 
article DOI URL 
Brühwiler, M., Batlogg, B., Kazakov, S., Niedermayer, C. and Karpinski, J. Nax CoO2: Enhanced low-energy excitations of electrons on a 2d triangular lattice 2006 Physica B
Vol. 378(SPEC. ISS.), pp. 630-631 
article DOI URL 
Rogacki, K., Batlogg, B., Karpinski, J., Zhigadlo, N., Schuck, G., Kazakov, S., Waegli, P., Puzniak, R., Wisniewski, A., Carbone, F., Brinkman, A. and van der Marel, D. Strong magnetic pair breaking in Mn-substituted MgB2 single crystals 2006 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 73(17), pp. 144506 
article DOI URL 
Kohen, A., Giubileo, F., Bobba, F., Proslier, T., Zhigadlo, N., Kazakov, S., Klein, J., Karpinski, J., Cucolo, A. and Roditchev, D. 'Lazy Fisherman' method of vortex analysis: application to MgB2 2006 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Vol. 67(1-3), pp. 442-446 
article DOI URL 
Kohen, A., Cren, T., Noat, Y., Proslier, T., Giubileo, F., Bobba, F., Cucolo, A., Zhigadlo, N., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Sacks, W. and Roditchev, D. Recent progress in vortex studies by tunneling spectroscopy 2006 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 437, pp. 145-148 
article DOI URL 
Antipov, E., Borzenko, A., Denisov, V., Filatov, A., Ivanov, V., Kazakov, S., Mazin, P., Mazin, V., Shtanov, V., Simakov, D., Tsirlina, G., Vassiliev, S. and Velikodny, Y.A. Electrochemical behavior of metals and binary alloys in cryolite-alumina melts 2006 TMS Light Metals
Vol. 2006, pp. 403-408 
article URL 
Gonnelli, R., Daghero, D., Ummarino, G., Calzolari, A., Dellarocca, V., Stepanov, V., Kazakov, S., Jun, J. and Karpinski, J. A point-contact study of the superconducting gaps in Al-substitutedand C-substituted MgB 2 single crystals 2006 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Vol. 67(1-3), pp. 360-364 
article DOI URL 
Streule, S., Medarde, M., Podlesnyak, A., Pomjakushina, E., Conder, K., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Mesot, J. Short-range charge ordering in Ho0.1 Sr0.9 Co O3-x (0.15≤x≤0.49) 2006 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 73(2), pp. 024423 
article DOI URL 
Zehetmayer, M., Krutzler, C., Eisterer, M., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Weber, H. Effect of disorder on the irreversible magnetic properties of single crystalline MgB2: comparison of carbon doping and neutron irradiation 2006 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 445, pp. 65-68 
article DOI URL 
Gavilano, J., Pedrini, B., Magishi, K., Hinderer, J., Weller, M., Ott, H., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Localized versus itinerant magnetic moments in Na0.7CoO2 2006 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 74(6), pp. 064410 
article DOI URL 
Guritanu, V., Kuzmenko, A., van der Marel, D., Kazakov, S., Zhigadlo, N. and Karpinski, J. Anisotropic optical conductivity and two colors of MgB2 2006 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 73(10), pp. 104509 
article DOI URL 
Schuck, G., Kazakov, S., Rogacki, K., Zhigadlo, N. and Karpinski, J. Crystal growth, structure, and superconducting properties of the beta-pyrochlore KOs2O6 2006 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 73(14), pp. 144506  
article DOI URL 
Khasanov, R., Eshchenko, D., Di, C.D., Shengelaya, A., La Mattina, F., Maisuradze, A., Baines, C., Luetkens, H., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S. and Keller, H. Magnetic penetration depth in RbOs2O6 studied by muon spin rotation 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 72(10), pp. 104504 
article DOI URL 
Carrington, A., Fletcher, J., Cooper, J., Taylor, O., Balicas, L., Zhigadlo, N., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Charmant, J. and Kortus, J. de Haas-van Alphen effect investigation of the electronic structure of Al-substituted MgB2 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 72(6), pp. 060507 
article DOI URL 
Karpinski, J., Zhigadlo, N., Schuck, G., Kazakov, S., Batlogg, B., Rogacki, K., Puzniak, R., Jun, J., Muller, E., Wagli, P., Gonnelli, R., Daghero, D., Ummarino, G. and Stepanov, V. Al substitution in MgB2 crystals: Influence on superconducting and structural properties 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 71(17), pp. 174506 
article DOI URL 
Geiser, P., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Wagli, P., Karpinski, J., Batlogg, B. and Klemm, L. Al(x)Ga(1-x)N bulk single crystals 2005 Applied Physics Letters
Vol. 86(8), pp. 081908 
article URL 
Kazakov, S., Puzniak, R., Rogacki, K., Mironov, A., Zhigadlo, N., Jun, J., Soltmann, C., Batlogg, B. and Karpinski, J. Carbon substitution in MgB2 single crystals: Structural and superconducting properties 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 71(2), pp. 024533 
article DOI URL 
Bruhwiler, M., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Batlogg, B. Intrinsic thermodynamic properties of the pyrochlore superconductor RbOs2O6 extracted by condensation energy analysis 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 71(21), pp. 214517 
article DOI URL 
Kohen, A., Cren, T., Proslier, T., Noat, Y., Sacks, W., Roditchev, D., Giubileo, F., Bobba, F., Cucolo, A., Zhigadlo, N., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Superconducting vortex profile from fixed point measurements the "Lazy Fisherman" tunneling microscopy method 2005 Applied Physics Letters
Vol. 86(21), pp. 212503 
article DOI URL 
Di, C.D., Khasanov, R., Grimaldi, C., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Brutsch, R. and Keller, H. Pressure effect on the magnetic penetration depth in MgB2 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 72(9), pp. 094504 
article DOI URL 
Gonnelli, R., Daghero, D., Calzolari, A., Ummarino, G., Dellarocca, V., Stepanov, V., Kazakov, S., Zhigadlo, N. and Karpinski, J. Evidence for single-gap superconductivity in Mg(B 1-xC x) 2 single crystals with x=0.132 from point-contact spectroscopy 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 71(6), pp. 060503 
article DOI URL 
Gonnelli, R., Daghero, D., Ummarino, G., Calzolari, A., Tortello, M., Stepanov, V., Zhigadlo, N., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Evidence for one-gap superconductivity in Mg(B1-xCx)(2) single crystals at x=0.132 by point-contact spectroscopy 2005 JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
Vol. 18(5-6), pp. 681-685 
article DOI URL 
Daghero, D., Gonnelli, R., Calzolari, A., Ummarino, G., Dellarocca, V., Stepanov, V., Zhigadlo, N., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. The superconducting gaps of C-substituted and Al-substituted MgB 2 single crystals by point-contact spectroscopy 2005 physica status solidi (c)
Vol. 2(5), pp. 1656-1661 
article DOI URL 
Moore, J., Perkins, G., Caplin, A., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Cohen, L. Angular dependence of the order-disorder transition in proton irradiated single crystal MgB2 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 71(22), pp. 224509 
article DOI URL 
Carretta, P., Keren, A., Lord, J., Zucca, I., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Anomaly in YBa(2)Cu(4)O(8) charge distribution below T(c): A zero-field muon spin relaxation study 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 71(5), pp. 052507 
article DOI URL 
Fletcher, J., Carrington, A., Taylor, O., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Temperature-dependent anisotropy of the penetration depth and coherence length of MgB2 2005 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 95(9), pp. 097005 
article DOI URL 
Zehetmayer, M., Eisterer, M., Sponar, S., Weber, H., Wisniewski, A., Puzniak, R., Panta, P., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Magnetic properties of superconducting HgBa2CuO4+delta single crystals in the overdoped state before and after particle irradiation 2005 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 418(1-2), pp. 73-86 
article DOI URL 
Pedrini, B., Gavilano, J., Weyeneth, S., Felder, E., Hinderer, J., Weller, M., Ott, H., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Magnetic phase transition at 88 K in Na0.5CoO2 revealed by Na-23 NMR investigations 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 72(21), pp. 214407 
article DOI URL 
Magishi, K., Gavilano, J., Pedrini, B., Hinderer, J., Weller, M., Ott, H., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Evidence for s-wave superconductivity in the beta-pyrochlore oxide RbOs2O6 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 71(2), pp. 024524 
article DOI URL 
Gavilano, J., Rau, D., Pedrini, B., Magishi, K., Weller, M., Hinderer, J., Ott, H., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Unconventional charge ordering in Na0.70CoO2 below 300 K? 2005 Physica B: Condensed Matter
Vol. 359, pp. 1237-1239 
article DOI URL 
Scagnoli, V., Staub, U., Janousch, M., Mulders, A., Shi, M., Meijer, G., Rosenkranz, S., Wilkins, S., Paolasini, L., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S. and Lovesey, S. Charge disproportionation and search for orbital ordering in NdNiO3 by use of resonant x-ray diffraction 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 72(15), pp. 155111 
article DOI URL 
Lampakis, D., Palles, D., Liarokapis, E., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Hydrostatic-pressure-induced phase separation in the YBa2Cu4O8 superconductor 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 72(1), pp. 014539 
article DOI URL 
Sologubenko, A., Zhigadlo, N., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Ott, H. Influence of carbon substitution on the heat transport in single crystalline MgB2 2005 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 71(2), pp. 020501 
article DOI URL 
Kargl, V., Mirmelstein, A., Boeni, P., Sheptyakov, D., Amato, A., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Erb, A. Neutron diffraction, specific heat and mu SR study of the spin-chain compounds Ca(2+x)Y(2-x)Cu(5)O(10) 2004 Physica B: Condensed Matter
Vol. 350(1-3), pp. E257-E259 
article DOI URL 
Di, C.D., Angst, M., Eshchenko, D., Khasanov, R., Roos, J., Savic, I., Shengelaya, A., Bud'ko, S., Canfield, P., Conder, K., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Ribeiro, R. and Keller, H. Absence of a boron isotope effect in the magnetic penetration depth of MgB2 2004 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 70(1), pp. 014519 
article DOI URL 
Angst, M., Di, C.D., Puzniak, R., Wisniewski, A., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Kohout, S. and Keller, H. Anisotropic properties of MgB2 by torque magnetometry 2004 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 408, pp. 88-89 
article DOI URL 
Angst, M., Di, C.D., Eshchenko, D., Khasanov, R., Kohout, S., Savic, I., Shengelaya, A., Bud'ko, S., Canfield, P., Jun, J., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Ribeiro, R. and Keller, H. Anisotropy and internal-field distribution of MgB2 in the mixed state at low temperatures 2004 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 70(22), pp. 224513 
article DOI URL 
Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Jun, J., Zhigadlo, N., Angst, M., Puzniak, R. and Wisniewski, A. MgB2 and Mg1-xAlxB2 single crystals: high pressure growth and physical properties 2004 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 408, pp. 81-82 
article DOI URL 
Khasanov, R., Eshchenko, D., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Zhigadlo, N., Brutsch, R., Gavillet, D., Di, C.D., Shengelaya, A., La Mattina, F., Maisuradze, A., Baines, C. and Keller, H. Pressure effects on the transition temperature and the magnetic field penetration depth in the pyrochlore superconductor RbOs2O6 2004 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 93(15), pp. 157004 
article DOI URL 
Bruhwiler, M., Kazakov, S., Zhigadlo, N., Karpinski, J. and Batlogg, B. Superconductivity in the geometrically frustrated pyrochlore RbOs2O6 2004 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 70(2), pp. 020503 
article DOI URL 
Kazakov, S., Zhigadlo, N., Bruhwiler, M., Batlogg, B. and Karpinski, J. Synthesis of superconducting pyrochlore RbOs2O6 2004 Superconductor Science and Technology
Vol. 17(10), pp. 1169-1172 
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Zehetmayer, M., Eisterer, M., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Birajdar, B., Eibl, O. and Weber, H. Fishtail effect in neutron-irradiated superconducting MgB2 single crystals 2004 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 69(5), pp. 545101-545107 
article DOI URL 
Perkins, G., Bugoslavsky, Y., Caplin, A., Moore, J., Tate, T., Gwilliam, R., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Cohen, L. Effects of proton irradiation and ageing on the superconducting properties of single crystalline and polycrystalline MgB2 2004 Superconductor Science and Technology
Vol. 17(1), pp. 232-235 
article DOI URL 
Gonnelli, R., Daghero, D., Ummarino, G., Dellarocca, V., Calzolari, A., Stepanov, V., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Directional point-contact spectroscopy of MgB2 single crystals in magnetic fields: two-band superconductivity and critical fields 2004 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 408, pp. 796-798 
article DOI URL 
Gonnelli, R., Daghero, D., Calzolari, A., Ummarino, G., Dellarocca, V., Stepanov, V., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Magnetic-field dependence of the gaps in a two-band superconductor: A point-contact study of MgB2 single crystals 2004 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 69(10), pp. 100504 
article DOI URL 
Gonnelli, R., Daghero, D., Calzolari, A., Ummarino, G., Dellarocca, V., Stepanov, V., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Portesi, C., Monticone, E., Ferrando, V. and Ferdeghini, C. Point-contact spectroscopy in MgB2: from fundamental physics to thin-film characterization 2004 Superconductor Science and Technology
Vol. 17(5), pp. S93-S100 
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Fletcher, J., Carrington, A., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Damping of the de Haas-van Alphen oscillations in the superconducting state of MgB2 2004 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 70(14), pp. 144501 
article DOI URL 
Streule, S., Podlesnyak, A., Mesot, J., Conder, K., Golosova, N., Mitberg, E. and Kazakov, S. Effect of oxygen nonstoichiometry on structural and magnetic properties of Ho0.1Sr0.9CoO3-x perovskites (0.15 <= x <= 0.49) 2004 Physica B: Condensed Matter
Vol. 350(1-3), pp. E281-E284 
article DOI URL 
Dewhurst, C., Cubitt, R., Eskildsen, M., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Vortex lattice reorientation and anisotropy in MgB2 - effects of two-band superconductivity 2004 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 404(1-4), pp. 135-139 
article DOI URL 
Zehetmayer, M., Eisterer, M., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Wisniewski, A. and Weber, H. Anisotropy in superconducting MgB2: A comparison of SQUID and torque measurements 2004 Physica C
Vol. 408(1-4), pp. 111-113 
article DOI URL 
Pedrini, B., Gavilano, J., Rau, D., Ott, H., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Wessel, S. NMR and dc susceptibility studies of NaVGe2O6 2004 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 70(2), pp. 024421 
article DOI URL 
Gavilano, J., Rau, D., Pedrini, B., Hinderer, J., Ott, H., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Unconventional charge ordering in Na0.70CoO2 below 300 K 2004 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 69(10), pp. 1004041-1004044 
article DOI URL 
Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Jun, J., Geiser, P., Zhigadlo, N., Puzniak, R. and Mironov, A. Single crystal growth and properties of MgB2 and Mg(B1-x C-x)(2) 2004 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 408, pp. 123-124 
article DOI URL 
Plackowski, T., Sulkowski, C., Karpinski, J., Jun, J. and Kazakov, S. Magneto-thermopower of single-crystal MgB2: Evidence for strong electron-phonon coupling anisotropy 2004 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 69(10), pp. 104528 
article DOI URL 
Sologubenko, A., Kazakov, S., Ott, H., Asano, T. and Ajiro, Y. Diffusive energy transport in the S=1 Haldane chain compound AgVP2S6 2003 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 68(9), pp. 094432 
article DOI URL 
Vinnikov, L., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Jun, J., Anderegg, J., Bud’ko, S. and Canfield, P. Vortex structure in MgB2 single crystals observed by the Bitter decoration technique 2003 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 67(9), pp. 925121-925123 
article DOI URL 
Angst, M., Puzniak, R., Wisniewski, A., Roos, J., Keller, H., Miranovic, P., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Anisotropy of the superconducting state properties and phase diagram of MgB2 by torque magnetometry on single crystals 2003 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 385(1-2), pp. 143-153 
article DOI URL 
Angst, M., Puzniak, R., Wisniewski, A., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Disorder-induced phase transition of vortex matter in MgB2 2003 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 67(1), pp. 012502 
article DOI URL 
Karpinski, J., Angst, M., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Puzniak, R., Wisniewski, A., Roos, J., Keller, H., Perucchi, A., Degiorgi, L., Eskildsen, M., Bordet, P., Vinnikov, L. and Mironov, A. MgB2 single crystals: high pressure growth and physical properties 2003 Superconductor Science and Technology
Vol. 16(2), pp. 221-230 
article DOI URL 
Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Jun, J., Angst, M., Puzniak, R., Wisniewski, A. and Bordet, P. Single crystal growth of MgB2 and thermodynamics of Mg-B-N system at high pressure 2003 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 385(1-2), pp. 42-48 
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Cooper, J., Carrington, A., Meeson, P., Yelland, E., Hussey, N., Balicas, L., Tajima, S., Lee, S., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. de Haas-van Alphen effect in MgB2 crystals 2003 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 385(1-2), pp. 75-84 
article DOI URL 
Carrington, A., Meeson, P., Cooper, J., Balicas, L., Hussey, N., Yelland, E., Lee, S., Yamamoto, A., Tajima, S., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Determination of the Fermi surface of MgB2 by the de Haas-van Alphen effect 2003 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 91(3), pp. 037003 
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Shukla, A., Calandra, M., d'Astuto null, M., Lazzeri, M., Mauri, F., Bellin, C., Krisch, M., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Jun, J., Daghero, D. and Parlinski, K. Phonon dispersion and lifetimes in MgB2 2003 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 90(9), pp. 095506 
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Lindberg, F., Istomin, S., Berastegui, P., Svensson, G., Kazakov, S. and Antipov, E. Synthesis and structural studies of Sr2Co2-xGaxO5, 0.3 <= x <= 0.8 2003 Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Vol. 173(2), pp. 395-406 
article DOI URL 
Nabialek, A., Kundys, B., Bukhantsev, Y., Vasiliev, S., Wisniewski, A., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpiniski, J. and Szymczak, H. The correlation between the transverse and longitudinal magnetostriction in a polycrystalline MgB2 superconductor 2003 Superconductor Science and Technology
Vol. 16(6), pp. 707-713 
article DOI URL 
Cubitt, R., Eskildsen, M., Dewhurst, C., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Effects of two-band superconductivity on the flux-line lattice in magnesium diboride 2003 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 91(4), pp. 047002 
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Gonnelli, R., Daghero, D., Ummarino, G., Stepanov, V., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Independent determination of the two gaps by directional point-contact spectroscopy in MgB2 single crystals 2003 Superconductor Science and Technology
Vol. 16(2), pp. 171-175 
article DOI URL 
Daghero, D., Gonnelli, R., Ummarino, G., Stepanov, V., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Point-contact spectroscopy in MgB2 single crystals in magnetic field 2003 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 385(1-2), pp. 255-263 
article DOI URL 
Zehetmayer, M., Eisterer, M., Weber, H., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Reversible and irreversible properties of superconducting MgB2 2003 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 388, pp. 159-160 
article DOI URL 
Eskildsen, M., Kugler, M., Levy, G., Tanaka, S., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Fischer, O. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on single crystal MgB2 2003 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 385(1-2), pp. 169-176 
article DOI URL 
Eskildsen, M., Kugler, M., Levy, G., Tanaka, S., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Fischer, O. Vortex lattice imaging in single crystal MgB2 by scanning tunneling spectroscopy 2003 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 388, pp. 143-144 
article DOI URL 
Eskildsen, M., Jenkins, N., Levy, G., Kugler, M., Fischer, O., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Vortex imaging in magnesium diboride with H perpendicular to c 2003 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 68(10), pp. 100508 
article DOI URL 
Sologubenko, A., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Ott, H. Anomalous low-temperature thermal conductivity of MgB2 2003 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Vol. 388, pp. 133-134 
article DOI URL 
Staub, U., Meijer, G., Fauth, F., Allenspach, R., Bednorz, J., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Paolasini, L. and d'Acapito null, F. Direct observation of charge order in an epitaxial NdNiO3 film 2002 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 88(12), pp. 126402 
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Angst, M., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Wisniewski, A., Puzniak, R. and Baran, M. Critical currents and order-disorder phase transition in the vortex states of YBa2Cu4O8 with chemically introduced disorder 2002 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 65(9), pp. 094518 
article DOI URL 
Angst, M., Puzniak, R., Wisniewski, A., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Roos, J. and Keller, H. Temperature and field dependence of the anisotropy of MgB2 2002 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 88(16), pp. 167004 
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Perkins, G., Moore, J., Bugoslavsky, Y., Cohen, L., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Caplin, A. Superconducting critical fields and anisotropy of a MgB2 single crystal 2002 Superconductor Science and Technology
Vol. 15(7), pp. 1156-1159 
article DOI URL 
Nabiałek, A., Kundys, B., Bukhantsev, Y., Vasiliev, S., Wiśniewski, A., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpiński, J. and Szymczak, H. Magnetostriction in superconducting MgB 2 2002 Physica B
Vol. 319(1-4), pp. 286-292 
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Temprano, D., Mesot, J., Janssen, S., Conder, K., Furrer, A., Sokolov, A., Trounov, V., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Mutka, H. and Muller, K. Isotope effects on the pseudogap in high-temperature superconductors 2002 Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
Vol. 74, pp. S1630-S1634 
article DOI URL 
Gonnelli, R., Daghero, D., Ummarino, G., Stepanov, V., Jun, J., Kazakov, S. and Karpinski, J. Direct evidence for two-band superconductivity in MgB2 single crystals from directional point-contact spectroscopy in magnetic fields 2002 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 89(24), pp. 247004 
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Dvorsek, D., Kabanov, V., Demsar, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Mihailovic, D. Femtosecond quasiparticle relaxation dynamics and probe polarization anisotropy in YSrxBa2-xCu4O8 (x=0,0.4) 2002 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 66(2), pp. 020510 
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Zehetmayer, M., Eisterer, M., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Wisniewski, A. and Weber, H. Mixed-state properties of superconducting MgB2 single crystals 2002 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 66(5), pp. 052505 
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Eskildsen, M., Kugler, M., Tanaka, S., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Fischer, O. Vortex imaging in the pi band of magnesium diboride 2002 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 89(18), pp. 187003 
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Mironov, A., Kazakov, S., Jun, J. and Karpinski, J. MgNB9, a new magnesium nitridoboride 2002 Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications
Vol. 58, pp. i95-I97 
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Sologubenko, A., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Ott, H. Temperature dependence and anisotropy of the bulk upper critical field Hc2 of MgB2 2002 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 65(18), pp. 180505 
article DOI URL 
Sologubenko, A., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Ott, H. Thermal conductivity of single-crystalline MgB2 2002 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 66(1), pp. 014504 
article DOI URL 
Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Angst, M., Mironov, A., Mali, M. and Roos, J. Influence of Sr substitution on the structure, charge distribution, and critical temperature of Y(Ba1-xSrx)(2)Cu4O8 single crystals 2001 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 64(9), pp. 094518 
article DOI URL 
Kazakov, S., Angst, M., Karpinski, J., Fita, I. and Puzniak, R. Substitution effect of Zn and Cu in MgB2 on T-c and structure 2001 Solid State Communications
Vol. 119(1), pp. 1-5 
article DOI URL 
Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Meijer, G., Bougerol-Chaillout, C. and Nunez-Regueiro, M. CaO-CuO system at high oxygen pressure: bulk synthesis and transport properties of Ca14Cu24O41 2001 Physica C
Vol. 351(3), pp. 301-307 
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Temprano, D., Mesot, J., Janssen, S., Conder, K., Furrer, A., Sokolov, A., Trounov, V., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Muller, K. A neutron crystal-field study of the copper isotope effect on the pseudogap in the high-T-c cuprate HoBa2Cu4O8 2001 Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Vol. 323, pp. 554-557 
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Temprano, D., Mesot, J., Janssen, S., Conder, K., Furrer, A., Sokolov, A., Trounov, V., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J. and Muller, K. Large copper isotope effect on the pseudogap in the high-temperature superconductor HoBa2Cu4O8 2001 European Physical Journal B
Vol. 19(1), pp. 5-8 
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Karpinski, J., Schwer, H., Kazakov, S., Angst, M., Jun, J., Wisniewski, A. and Puzniak, R. (Hg,Pb)(Ba,Sr)(2)Ca2Cu3O8+delta single crystals: Influence of Sr substitutions on structure, hole concentration in CuO2 planes and irreversibility line 2000 Physica C
Vol. 341, pp. 421-424 
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Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S., Angst, M., Schwer, H., Wisniewski, A. and Puzniak, R. Influence of Sr substitution on structure, hole concentration in CuO2 planes, and irreversibility line in (Hg,Pb) (Ba,Sr)(2)Ca2Cu3O8+delta single crystals 2000 JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
Vol. 13(6), pp. 877-881 
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Zhao, G., Conder, K., Angst, M., Kazakov, S., Karpinski, J., Maciejewski, M., Bougerol, C., Pshirkov, J. and Antipov, E. Large oxygen-isotope effect in Sr0.4K0.6BiO3: Evidence for phonon-mediated superconductivity 2000 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 62(18), pp. 11977-11980 
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Bougerol-Chaillout, C., Bordet, P., Kazakov, S., Pshirkov, J., Putilin, S., Antipov, E. and Nunez-Regueiro, M. Structural studies of new superconducting bismuthates (Sr,K)BiO3 2000 Physica C
Vol. 341, pp. 1813-1816 
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Bougerol-Chaillout, C., Bordet, P., Kazakov, S., Pshirkov, J., Antipov, E., Putilin, S., Dooryhee, E. and Fitch, A. Structure determination of Sr(1.25)Bi(0.75)O(3) and Sr(0.4)K(0.6)BiO(3) as a function of temperature from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data 2000 Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Vol. 150(2), pp. 316-323 
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Kim, D., Kim, J., Joo, S., Bougerol-Chaillout, C., Kazakov, S., Pshirkov, J., Antipov, E. and Park, Y. Magnetoresistance and thermoelectric power of Sr1-xKxBiO3: a second family of BiO-based superconductors 2000 Physica C
Vol. 341, pp. 1861-1862 
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Kim, D., Kim, J., Joo, S., Kim, G., Bougerol-Chaillout, C., Kazakov, S., Pshirkov, J., Antipov, E. and Park, Y. New reentrant superconducting-normal transition in Sr1-xKxBiO3 superconductor: magnetotransport and magnetization study 2000 Physica C
Vol. 341, pp. 797-800 
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Pshirkov, J., Kazakov, S., Abakumov, A., Putilin, S., Antipov, E., Bougerol-Chaillout, C., Lebedev, O. and Van_Tendeloo, G. Synthesis and Characterization of New Phases: Sr3.75K1.75Bi3O12 and Sr1.3Na2.9Bi3O12 2000 Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Vol. 152, pp. 49-55 
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Karpinski, J., Meijer, G., Schwer, H., Molinski, R., Kopnin, E., Conder, K., Angst, M., Jun, J., Kazakov, S., Wisniewski, A., Puzniak, R., Hofer, J., Alyoshin, V. and Sin, A. High-pressure synthesis, crystal growth, phase diagrams, structural and magnetic properties of Y(2)Ba(4)Cu(n)O2(2n+x), HgBa2Can-1CunO2n+2+delta and quasi-one-dimensional cuprates 1999 Superconductor Science and Technology
Vol. 12(9), pp. R153-R181 
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Pshirkov, J., Kazakov, S., Bougerol-Chaillout, C., Bordet, P., Capponi, J., Putilin, S. and Antipov, E. A new layered bismuthate (Sr,K)(3)Bi2O7: Synthesis and crystal structure 1999 Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Vol. 144(2), pp. 405-408 
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Kim, D., Kim, J., Joo, S., Kim, G., Bougerol-Chaillout, C., Kazakov, S., Pshirkov, J., Antipov, E. and Park, Y. Magnetoresistance of Sr1-xKxBiO3: a second-family of bismuth-oxide-based superconductors 1999 Journal of Low Temperature Physics
Vol. 117(5-6), pp. 1205-1209 
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Meijer, G., Eccleston, R., Mutka, H., Rossel, C., Karpinski, J., Kazakov, S. and Wachter, P. Magnetic excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional magnet Sr0.73CuO2: Coexistence of the spin gap and long-range magnetic order 1999 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vol. 60(13), pp. 9260-9263 
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Kazakov, S., Chaillout, C., Bordet, P., Capponi, J., NunezRegueiro, M., Rysak, A., Tholence, J., Radaelli, P., Putilin, S. and Antipov, E. Discovery of a second family of bismuth-oxide-based superconductors 1997 Nature
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Kazakov, S., Pachot, S., Kopnin, E., Putilin, S., Antipov, E., Chaillout, C., Capponi, J., Radaelli, P. and Marezio, M. Synthesis, neutron diffraction study and cation substitutions in Srn-1Cun+1O2n (n=3,5) 1997 Physica C
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Vol. 253(3-4), pp. 401-406 
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PUTILIN, S., KAZAKOV, S. and MAREZIO, M. ON THE ALKALI-EARTH MERCURATES, MHGO2 1994 Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Vol. 109(2), pp. 406-409 
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Vol. 58(5), pp. 343-344 
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